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Deitou o corpo da companheira nos bancos de trás, cobriu-a com duas mantas térmicas e prendeu-as bem. Ajustou os cintos para segurar o corpo e sentou-se aos comandos. A IA retornou aos terminais da naveta e estabeleceu uma nova rota. Esta acordou, com o murmúrio baixo do motor a preencher o vazio. Afastaram-se do chão e subiram em direcção à atmosfera.
O único rasto de comunicação da Nineteen Eighty Four foi uma enorme transferência de créditos para a força mercenária dispersa em frente à Chiron, mas muitas mais apareceram como se estivessem à espera que as contas aumentassem.
Os piratas também responderam. A Minotaur, a Medusa, a Athos, a Perseus, a Arachne e todas as espaçonaves piratas saltaram atrás da Chiron, abertas em triângulo, como esperassem o momento certo para uma entrada com pompa e circunsância. O fim da Heracles tinha sido apenas o começo. Estavam a atacar, mas a atacar ferozmente como um animal raivoso, mas sem qualquer coordenação.
A Chiron continuava sob fogo cerrado que só quebrou com a chegada dos outros piratas. Os escudos estavam a meio e as armas carregadas. Não foram dadas ordens de ataque, cada um escolheu o seu alvo e soltaram barragens de fogo como se não houvesse amanhã. Eram piratas, no fim de contas.
Os mercenários caíam que nem tordos com explosões fantásticas e fugazes, o poder do dinheiro não era assim tão forte como pensavam, mas não eram os fracotes da zona. Do lado dos piratas também houve baixas porque o poder da aventura e da liberdade não eram o suficiente para equipar e armar uma nave. A Achilles foi a primeira a tombar com um golpe baixo, a Medusa foi rodeada por várias e não conseguiu escapar. A Minotaur ficou sem armas e bateu em retirada.
Parecia que nunca mais acabavam. Duas espaçonaves mercenárias, a The Winner Takes it All e a Super Trouper, dispararam em todas as direcções e eram responsáveis pela maior parte dos danos. Para piorar a situação, várias navetas saíram disparadas das duas espaçonaves e cobriram a distância entre os mercenários e os piratas. A Arachne imitou-os e lançou várias navetas de ataque para responder. A Athos respondia a cada uma com fogo rápido e a Chiron dividia-se entre repelir as ferroadas das navetas e ganhar o braço de ferro contra a Tears in Heaven e a Wild World.
Momoa sentou-se a estudar os vários teatros de operações. Todas as naves estavam concentradas em combate, excepto uma, a Nineteen Eighty Four que continuava distante a observar. Ela era a mais assustadora de todas porque ninguém sabia o que raio estava ali a fazer ou a armar. Não disparava nem respondia quando algum disparo perdido a encontrava. Mas o Capitão sabia que ela era quem monopolizava a situação. Tanto ali em cima como no planeta. Acabar com ela, acabava com o derrame de sangue. Piratas, mercenários, Guilass.
E foi então que decidiu controlar o fogo e abrir caminho até ao cruzador da OxyGen. Cada disparo acertava no alvo sem surtir efeito, mas se insistisse iria conseguir. As naves mercenárias viravam-se para ele como se alertadas pela outra e avançavam para a Chiron, disparavam e faziam de tudo para a impedir. Os companheiros piratas varriam os mercenários para deixar a Chiron à vontade, mas outros surgiam para lhes roubar a atenção.
Por fim, os disparos da Chiron furaram o escudo da Ninetheen Eighty Four que, pela primeira vez desde que o combate começara, respondeu com fogo. A potência do disparo era mais forte do que alguma vez imaginaram. Um único disparo abriu uma linha recta até à Chiron e obliterou uma nave pirata, um esquadrão mercenário e trespassou a Chiron.
O Capitão tombou pelo chão com o choque. Os alarmes berravam na ponte e pelas entranhas da nave. Não iriam aguentar um segundo disparo directo. A ordem tinha sido dada para evacuarem e serem apanhados pelos outros piratas que também tinham ordens para desaparecer dali. A vantagem numérica não estava do lado deles.
O Capitão Momoa seria o último a abandonar a Chiron, mas antes disso tentou ligar aos companheiros em Mnemosine. E quando ninguém respondeu, gravou a seguinte mensagem que enviou para todos:
Durante muito tempo e muitas aventuras, as notícias da minha morte foram grandemente exageradas e mitificadas, mas quer-me parecer que agora não há maneira de escapar. Portanto aqui estamos, huh? Os últimos tristes da Centaur. Espero que estejam bem e que tenham mais sucesso do que eu. Não vou sair daqui vivo. Pena. Se sair agora, vocês deixam de ter um caminho seguro para regressar. O nome Momoa e os piratas da Centaur serão lembrados para todo o sempre! Metam os olhos nisto, pessoal, pode ser que aprendam alguma coisa nova.
Se não nos virmos mais, deixo tudo a vocês! Bonna, darás uma boa capitã, escolhe uma família e continuem! Suzako, és o melhor piloto que alguma vez tive a honra de ter a bordo, mas a tua música é uma merda, não desistas.
Se não nos virmos mais, deixo tudo a vocês! Bonna, darás uma boa capitã, escolhe uma família e continuem! Suzako, és o melhor piloto que alguma vez tive a honra de ter a bordo, mas a tua música é uma merda, não desistas.
O universo é muito pequeno para nós, até qualquer dia, piratas do espaço.
O capitão cortou as comunicações, fechou os canais e programou uma nova rota: directa ao corpo do cruzador da OxyGen. Ignorou o fogo dos mercenários, aumentou a potência dos motores e a Chiron investiu pela última vez. Disparava automaticamente em todas as direcções, as navetas mercenárias caíam como moscas ou arrastava outras consigo. As outras mantinham a distância, mas continuavam a disparar. A Nineteen Eighty Four abriu fogo pela segunda vez para impedir a Chiron, mas sem sucesso. O fogo lambia a carcaça da Chiron e sumia.
O Embaixador e Capitão Momoa sempre teve uma queda para o dramático, essa era o ofício dele: o teatro. E lá estava ele, na ponte. Alto e poderoso, pernas plantadas no chão, braços arqueados e mãos na cintura e cabeça erguida em frente. Havia um sorriso de cabrão nos lábios e todos os dentes à vista. Fez uma vénia e agradeceu a todos.
O último acto da Chiron seria levar a Nineteen Eighty Four consigo e teria conseguido se a Under Pressure não se tivesse metido à frente. Ainda assim, não contaram com um trunfo do Momoa: o sistema de autodestruição, o plot twist de todo o enredo.
Todas as espaçonaves e navetas na zona foram varridas pela onda de choque que as atirou umas contra as outras. As explosões foram vistas desde o planeta. As mais próximas levaram com a explosão, destroços e estilhaços e algumas não resistiram. O cruzador da OxyGen foi atingido em segunda mão por partes da Under Pressure. Algumas naves piratas também tinham sido apanhadas, mas sem grandes danos a registar. Aproveitaram a confusão para reforçar o ataque e apanhar o inimigo desprevenido.
Partes dos cadáveres das espaçonaves choviam sobre Mnemosine. A entrada na atmosfera era algo de incrível com cada pedaço a desintegrar-se em esferas ardentes que desapareciam no solo. O planeta tremia como se rasgasse ao meio, como se o inferno abrisse caminho até cima. O céu estava coberto de vermelhos, laranjas e amarelos. Uma manta de fogo e destruição cobria Mnemosine. A metáfora não estava longe da verdade, mas foi tudo tão rápido para o pirata músico tombado no chão negro; para a companheira que tinha eliminado uma patrulha de mercenários. Ela foi a única a ouvir a mensagem ali e porque o universo chorava em tons de sangue, ela achou que não fossem precisas as lágrimas dela. Ordenou aos restantes companheiros que a seguissem e seguiram em frente. Ela era a nova Capitã e até encontrar a companheira, era a última da Centaur.
She laid her body on the backseat, covered her with thermal blankets and fastened them. Adjusted the seat belts to hold the body and sat on the controls. The AI returned to the terminal and plotted a new course. The shuttle woke up, the low hum filling the emptiness. They lifted the ground and took off to the atmosphere.
She laid her body on the backseat, covered her with thermal blankets and fastened them. Adjusted the seat belts to hold the body and sat on the controls. The AI returned to the terminal and plotted a new course. The shuttle woke up, the low hum filling the emptiness. They lifted the ground and took off to the atmosphere.
The only trace of communication from the Nineteen Eighty Four was a large credit transfer to the mercenary force dispersed in front of the Chiron, but many more appeared as if waiting for more credits.
The pirates answered the call as well. The Minotaur, the Medusa, Athos, Perseus, Arachne and many more jumped behind the Chiron, spread out in a triangle, waiting for the right moment to barge in with pomp and ceremony. The end of the Heracles was just the beginning. The mercenaries were charging like vicious beasts, but with no coordination.
The Chiron was under heavy fire that broke with the pirate's arrival. The shield was mid-potency and weapons were charged. No order to attack was given, each one picked a target and released a barrage of fire like there was no tomorrow. They were pirates after all.
The mercenaries fell like flies with fantastic and quick explosions. The power of money was not that powerful as they thought, but they weren't wimps. From the pirate side, there were causalities because adventure and freedom weren't enough to arm and equip a ship. The Achilles was the first to go down with a cheap shot, the Medusa was surrounded by several ships and failed to escape. The Minotaur lost its weapons and retreated.
They were endless. Two bigger mercenary ships, The Winner Takes it All and the Super trouper, fired in every direction and were responsible for the most damaged caused. To worsen the situation, several fighters shot from the ships and closed the distance between mercenaries and pirates. The Arachne mimicked and launched its fighters to repel the others. The Athos answered fire with fire and the Chiron repelled the fighters and fought against Tears in Heaven and Wild World.
Momoa sat to anlyze the several theaters of operations. Every ship was focused on the combat except for one, the Nineteen Eighty Four still distant and watching. She was terrifying since no one knew what the fuck it was doing there or plotting. It didn't fire and returned fired when a random shot found its way to her. The Captain knew it was the one monopolizing the situation: there and below on the ground. Finishing it would end the blood spillage. Mercenaries, pirates and Gilass.
It was then that he decided to control the fire and make way towards the OxyGen cruiser. Each shot found its mark without effect, but if he kept pushing he would succeed. Some mercenary ships would turn on him as if alerted by the cruiser and sped to the Chiron, firing and doing everything to stop it. His fellow pirates swept the mercenaries to clear his way but many more came to distract them.
In the end, the shots worn the shield down. For the first time since the battle had started the Nineteen Eighty Four fired back. No one was expecting the immense power of the shot; it went in a straight line, razed a mercenary squad, a pirate ship and trespassed the Chiron.
Momoa rolled on the ground with the impact. The alarms yelled on the bridge and throughout the ship. They wouldn't withstand a second impact. He gave the order to evacuate so the crew would still be picked up by the pirates. The numerical advantage was not on their side. He would be the last one to abandon ship but before he tried to reach his mates down on Mnemosyne. And when no one answered, he recorded the following message to everyone:
For a long time and many adventures, the news of my demise were greatly exaggerated and mystified. Now I think I can't escape it. So here we are, huh? The last sad fucks of the Centaur. I hope you fared better than myself because I won't make it, and if I leave now you guys won't have a safe path to follow. The name Momoa and the pirates of the Centaur will be remembered forever! Witness this, fellows, you might learn a thing or two.
If we don't see each other again, I leave everything to you! Bonna, you're going to be a great Captain. Pick a new family and carry one. Suzako, you're the best pilot I had the honor of having aboard but your music sucks, don't give up on it.
The universe is too small for us. See you around, space pirates!
The Captain turned off the com, closed the channels and set a new path: straight to OyxGen cruiser. Ignoring the mercenary fire, increased the engine energy and the Chiron marched for the last time. It was automatically firing in every direction, shooting down lots of mercenary fighters or dragging some with its body. Some kept their distance and continued shooting. The Nineteen Eighty Four opened fire again to stop the Chiron, and failing. The flames licked its corpse and were instantly gone.
The Ambassador and Captain Momoa had a flair for the drama, it was his art: theater. And there he was on the bridge. High and mighty. Legs planted on the ground, arched arms and hands on the waist. Head raised high. There was a motherfucker smile on his lips and he bared his teeth. He bowed and thanked everyone.
Chiron's last act was to take the Nineteen Eighty Four down. And it would manage to do it if not for the Under Pressure crossing its path. Even so, they weren't counting with Momoa's trump card: the self destruct system, the plot twist of this story.
Every spaceship and shuttles were blown away by the shock wave, throwing one against the other. The explosions were witness on the planet below. The closest ships took the brunt of the explosion, debris and shrapnel flew everywhere and some didn't resist. The OxyGen cruiser took a second hand hit with several sections of the Under Pressure. Some friendly ships were also caught without severe damage. They took the confusion and attacked with renewed strength.
The corpses of the spaceships rained down on Mnemosyne. Entering the atmosphere was a magnificent display of fire balls hitting the ground. The planet shook like ripping in half, like Hell was opening its doors. The sky was painted red, orange and yellow. A blanket of fire and ruin covered Mnemosyne. This metaphor was not far from the truth. It happened so fast for the pirate musician fallen on the ground; for its mate that had wiped a mercenary patrol. She was the only one there to have listened to the message. And because the universe cried blood, she decided her tears weren't needed there. Ordered her patrol to follow her and move on. She was the new Captain and until she finds the other woman, the last survivor of the Centaur.
The Chiron was under heavy fire that broke with the pirate's arrival. The shield was mid-potency and weapons were charged. No order to attack was given, each one picked a target and released a barrage of fire like there was no tomorrow. They were pirates after all.
The mercenaries fell like flies with fantastic and quick explosions. The power of money was not that powerful as they thought, but they weren't wimps. From the pirate side, there were causalities because adventure and freedom weren't enough to arm and equip a ship. The Achilles was the first to go down with a cheap shot, the Medusa was surrounded by several ships and failed to escape. The Minotaur lost its weapons and retreated.
They were endless. Two bigger mercenary ships, The Winner Takes it All and the Super trouper, fired in every direction and were responsible for the most damaged caused. To worsen the situation, several fighters shot from the ships and closed the distance between mercenaries and pirates. The Arachne mimicked and launched its fighters to repel the others. The Athos answered fire with fire and the Chiron repelled the fighters and fought against Tears in Heaven and Wild World.
Momoa sat to anlyze the several theaters of operations. Every ship was focused on the combat except for one, the Nineteen Eighty Four still distant and watching. She was terrifying since no one knew what the fuck it was doing there or plotting. It didn't fire and returned fired when a random shot found its way to her. The Captain knew it was the one monopolizing the situation: there and below on the ground. Finishing it would end the blood spillage. Mercenaries, pirates and Gilass.
It was then that he decided to control the fire and make way towards the OxyGen cruiser. Each shot found its mark without effect, but if he kept pushing he would succeed. Some mercenary ships would turn on him as if alerted by the cruiser and sped to the Chiron, firing and doing everything to stop it. His fellow pirates swept the mercenaries to clear his way but many more came to distract them.
In the end, the shots worn the shield down. For the first time since the battle had started the Nineteen Eighty Four fired back. No one was expecting the immense power of the shot; it went in a straight line, razed a mercenary squad, a pirate ship and trespassed the Chiron.
Momoa rolled on the ground with the impact. The alarms yelled on the bridge and throughout the ship. They wouldn't withstand a second impact. He gave the order to evacuate so the crew would still be picked up by the pirates. The numerical advantage was not on their side. He would be the last one to abandon ship but before he tried to reach his mates down on Mnemosyne. And when no one answered, he recorded the following message to everyone:
For a long time and many adventures, the news of my demise were greatly exaggerated and mystified. Now I think I can't escape it. So here we are, huh? The last sad fucks of the Centaur. I hope you fared better than myself because I won't make it, and if I leave now you guys won't have a safe path to follow. The name Momoa and the pirates of the Centaur will be remembered forever! Witness this, fellows, you might learn a thing or two.
If we don't see each other again, I leave everything to you! Bonna, you're going to be a great Captain. Pick a new family and carry one. Suzako, you're the best pilot I had the honor of having aboard but your music sucks, don't give up on it.
The universe is too small for us. See you around, space pirates!
The Captain turned off the com, closed the channels and set a new path: straight to OyxGen cruiser. Ignoring the mercenary fire, increased the engine energy and the Chiron marched for the last time. It was automatically firing in every direction, shooting down lots of mercenary fighters or dragging some with its body. Some kept their distance and continued shooting. The Nineteen Eighty Four opened fire again to stop the Chiron, and failing. The flames licked its corpse and were instantly gone.
The Ambassador and Captain Momoa had a flair for the drama, it was his art: theater. And there he was on the bridge. High and mighty. Legs planted on the ground, arched arms and hands on the waist. Head raised high. There was a motherfucker smile on his lips and he bared his teeth. He bowed and thanked everyone.
Chiron's last act was to take the Nineteen Eighty Four down. And it would manage to do it if not for the Under Pressure crossing its path. Even so, they weren't counting with Momoa's trump card: the self destruct system, the plot twist of this story.
Every spaceship and shuttles were blown away by the shock wave, throwing one against the other. The explosions were witness on the planet below. The closest ships took the brunt of the explosion, debris and shrapnel flew everywhere and some didn't resist. The OxyGen cruiser took a second hand hit with several sections of the Under Pressure. Some friendly ships were also caught without severe damage. They took the confusion and attacked with renewed strength.
The corpses of the spaceships rained down on Mnemosyne. Entering the atmosphere was a magnificent display of fire balls hitting the ground. The planet shook like ripping in half, like Hell was opening its doors. The sky was painted red, orange and yellow. A blanket of fire and ruin covered Mnemosyne. This metaphor was not far from the truth. It happened so fast for the pirate musician fallen on the ground; for its mate that had wiped a mercenary patrol. She was the only one there to have listened to the message. And because the universe cried blood, she decided her tears weren't needed there. Ordered her patrol to follow her and move on. She was the new Captain and until she finds the other woman, the last survivor of the Centaur.
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