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Momoa tinha voado sozinho até à Centaur, entrou no hangar e rapidamente estava na ponte. A tripulação recebera-o sem medo e desenrascada. Os escudos estavam no máximo, armas prontas e a ponte nos seus lugares.
Momoa aproximou-se da sua cadeira e acedeu ao terminal. Não havia mensagens - nenhuma das outras espaçonaves teria aberto uma linha de comunicação. Estavam só a olhar. Capitão primeiro, Embaixador segundo. Convidou-os a dialogar, primeiro a pirata Heracles, as duas espaçonaves mercenárias e depois a da OxyGen. Esta última só emitia estática para baralhar as comunicações.
E foram ignorados.
Momoa ainda estava com dores, a ligadura estava a encher-se de vermelho. Alguém reparou e sugeriu que o Capitão fosse à ala médica. A sugestão foi sacudida com uma mão e o Capitão levantou-se em frente.
Só preciso de os aguentar aqui um pouco. Pediu para desviarem a energia dos motores para as armas e activou-as. Estavam a carregar, os alvos estavam registados. Não seria o suficiente para os abater, mas para os enervar. Ele sabia que não iria sair dali e esse acto egoísta ia levar o resto da tripulação com ele. Oitenta por cento...
E a Heracles abriu fogo. O escudo absorveu o impacto. Outro e outro, mais um, dois, três. O escudo ia perdendo potência. Cem por cento e devolveram fogo. A Centaur obliterou o motor da Modern Love rebentou e começou a descair sobre a Space Oddity. O escudo da segunda aguentou o choque, mas um dos disparos da Centaur sobrecarregou o escudo. Sem protecção, a Modern Love razou a outra espaçonave. abrindo-a como um animal de caça.
A Nineteen Eighty Four continuava a observar e absorveu todos os impactos como se fossem nada, não reagiu quando as suas contraentes esbarravam embriagadas e deixaram de dar sinal. A Heracles mantinha-se em frente à adversária. Mesmo debaixo de fogo continuava a ripostar e uma das duas teria de ceder, infelizmente foi a Centaur. Várias razões: o primeiro disparo à sucker punch, ter dividido o fogo entre vários alvos e o escudo ter sobrecarregado imediatamente por isso mesmo.
O terminal do Capitão deu sinal e o líder da Heracles iniciou as comunicações: convidou-o a desistir e a abrir-lhe as portas. Momoa estava fraco, ordenou a todos para procurarem as cápsulas de emergência e aqueles que ficassem que se armassem.
Quando a Heracles chegou, a comitiva abriu caminho até à ponte. Os corredores estavam quase vazios, muitos tinham evacuado com a ordem e os restantes ainda resistiram, mas acabaram reunidos na ponte em frente a um Capitão encostado à cadeira. A fraqueza estava com ele, mas quando chegaram à ponte com os reféns, endireitou-se e avançou com a arma em riste. O Capitão da Heracles, Tieton, foi o primeiro a separar-se do grupo e pediu calma. Ambos afastaram-se, conversaram, tudo em segredo dos outros. Após algum tempo, Tieton afastou-se e deixou sentado num terminal. Ordenou a metade dos homens para vasculhar a Centaur e à outra metade para abater os reféns. O Capitão foi deixado para o fim que não assistiu porque estava de costas voltadas.
Momoa had flown to the Centaur alone, landed in the hanger and was transported to the bridge. The crew welcomed him without fear and had managed pretty well. The shields were raised, weapons ready and the bridge was ready.
Momoa walked to his chair and accessed his terminal. No messages - the other ships didn't open a communication channel. They were staring. First a Captain, then an Ambassador. He invited everyone to talk: first the pirate Heracles, next the mercenaries ships and the OxyGen cruiser. The Centaur was ignored.
Momoa was in pain, his bandage was red. Someone noticed and suggested for him to go the medical bay. The Captain waved his worried away and stood.
Momoa was in pain, his bandage was red. Someone noticed and suggested for him to go the medical bay. The Captain waved his worried away and stood.
I just need to hold them here. He asked to reroute the energy from the engines to the weapons and activated them. They were charging, the targets were locked. It wouldn't be enough to neutralize them, but to piss them off. He know he wouldn't be leaving and that selfish act would end up taking his crew with him. Eighty percent...
And the Heracles opened fire. The shield absorved the impact. Another, and another. One, two, three. The shield was losing potency. One hundred percent and they returned fire. The Centaur obliterated one engine on the Modern Love and it swerved onto Space Oddity. Its shield took the shock, but one shot from the Centaur overloaded the shield. Naked, the Modern Love slashed the other ship, gutting it like game.
The Nineteen Eighty Four was still watching and absorved every shot like it was nothing. It didn't even react when its employees crashed like drunks and lost signal. The Heracles was still facing the rival. Under fire it was still returning fire and one had to give in. Unfortunately, it was the Centaur. And for several motives: that sucker punch shot, focusing fire on several targets and an overloaded shield.
The Captain's terminal woke up and the leader of the Heracles open a com channel: Momoa was invited to surrender and open his doors. He was weak, ordered his crew to run for the escape pods and those left behind to arm themselves.
The Heracles arrived, a column of pirates marched to the bridge. The corridors were almost empty since many had evacuated. Some offered a fight but were gathered on the bridge facing their Captain leaned on his chair. He was all weakness but when everyone arrived he stood up and walked pointing his gun. Tieton, the Captain of the Heracles split from the group and calmed the Momoa. Both Captains walked away and chatted for a couple of minutes. After some time, Tieton stepped away from Momoa, sitting on a terminal. He ordered to half his men to search the ship and the other to shoot everyone on the bridge. The Captain was the last one and his crew died with his back turned to them.
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