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The Ambassador was found and his plans to travel incognito were foiled. He was treated to a higher security detail, dinner parties, dances and private time with the Captain - everything he wanted to avoid.
And this worked for the best, if Gilass knew where the VIP and entourage were, she could avoid trouble, and she needed it. For the most part it worked just fine, everyone was distracted so she could roam the corridors, eat alone and sleep most of the time. She wasn't hiding, but peace and quiet were her new found companions.
On the third night, more VIPs came on board, and the Captain felt very generous throwing another banquet which meant everyone and his shadow were going to be there or die trying. Gilass had ordered a nice meal on a cafeteria on the opposite side of the ship. A book, smooth music, and only the waiter to keep her company - well, the cafeteria was full but details.
After her night out she retreated to her dormitory. It was dark inside, but the atmosphere was not the same as if it was moved while she was out. Lights. The room was filled a smooth luminescence. On her bed there was a wrapped present, and a note.
It read: open it, get ready and I hope you know how to use it. They will be here soon. X
Assim que descobriram o embaixador, os seus planos de viajar anónimo foram por água abaixo. Aumentaram-lhe a segurança, prepararam-lhe jantares, bailes e teve audiências com o Capitão - tudo o que queria evitar.
No entanto, até foi pelo melhor. Se a Gilass soubesse onde estava o VIP e o seu grupinho, podia evitar a confusão e bem que precisava. Grande parte das vezes funcionava muito bem. Estavam todos tão distraídos que ela conseguia andar sozinha elos corredores, comer sozinha e dormir bastante. Ela não estava escondida, mas paz e sossego eram os seus novos amigos.
Na terceira noite chegaram mais VIP e o Capitão sentira-se bastante generoso com outro banquete. Isto significava que todas as pessoas e as suas sombras iriam lá estar ou morrer a tentar. A Gilass aproveitou e reservou um bom jantar numa cantina no lado oposto da espaçonave. Música calma, um livro e apenas o empregado para lhe fazerem companhia - quer dizer, a cantina estava lotada, mas detalhes.
Para acabar a noite, regressou ao dormitório. Estava escuro, mas a atmosfera lá dentro não estava igual como se tivesse sido remexida. Luz. O quarto encheu-se de uma luminescência suave. Em cima da cama encontrou um presente embrulhado e uma mensagem.
Estava escrito: abre, prepara-te e espero que a saibas utilizar. Eles chegarão em breve. X
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